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Node.js Blog Project

Prompt: I need an idea for a project to practice using express.js and ejs on node.js.
By: ChatGPT (chat.openai.com)

How about building a simple blog application. Here’s a basic outline of the project:

  1. Set up a new Node.js project with Express.js and EJS as the templating engine.
  2. Create a database to store blog posts, using a tool like MongoDB or MySQL.
  3. Implement a form for creating new blog posts, allowing users to input a title and body for their post.
  4. Create a route to handle the submission of the form and save the new post to the database.
  5. Implement a route to display a list of all blog posts, with links to view individual posts.
  6. Create a route to display an individual blog post, using a dynamic URL parameter to identify the post to display.
  7. Add functionality to edit and delete existing blog posts, allowing users to update or remove their own posts.
  8. Implement authentication and authorization to restrict access to editing and deleting posts to logged-in users.

This project will allow you to practice using Express.js and EJS to build a web application with multiple routes, user input handling, database integration, and authentication. Good luck!

Prompt: A cute anthropomorphized computer writing a blog cartoon
By: pickapic.io